Ayala is proud to announce that it has prevailed in a bench trial in a case that the firm undertook pro bono. In the case, Plaintiff sued his former attorney (the defendant) for breach of contract. Plaintiff sought hundreds of thousands of dollars in speculative damages on a contract where he merely paid a couple of thousand dollars.
Though Plaintiff was able to survive initial motions to dismiss in the case, at trial, he was not able to present anything but speculative allegations of a long-lost business. Ayala’s Attorney Eduardo A. Maura was able to establish through the testimony of his client, that the services under the contract were not only provided but far exceeded any fee the Plaintiff ever paid to his client.
As stated by attorney Maura: “We are proud to have prevailed on this case. The Defendant tried to intimidate our client many times and somehow managed to get this case all the way through trial. In the end, though, justice prevailed, and I am glad it is over for our amazing client so she can move on with her life and business.”
For more information about our contract litigation practice, contact a Miami Contractual attorney at 305-570-2208 or email attorney Eduardo A. Maura at Eduardo@ayalalawpa.com.